Code Zero

Cooreman-Algoed Colette - ITA Project Manager

“We feel that it’s our moral duty to contribute to a more sustainable world, independent of regulations or external pressure. Especially because we are in a position to make a big difference: we operate globally, carry out large-scale projects and are active in several key industries. Through Code Zero, we translate that general objective into well-considered action points. For example, we dredge using 100%-sustainable biofuel and we actively contribute to meeting the goals of the Paris climate agreement.”

“We want to send an accessible, inspiring message to our employees and the outside world. Jan De Nul is only part of the story. To make a real difference, we aim for everyone’s support, from our own employees and clients to suppliers and local communities. Code Zero links perfectly to our Imagine-Think-Act approach. Operational control is the key to success. Achieving the targets that lead to the Zero objectives is the icing on the cake.”

Jakoba Van Der Linden - CSR Officer

Isabelle Herteleer - CSR Coordinator

“We have been working on safety and energy management, among other things, for a long time. But this was mostly done in silos. Now, we are far more integrated and make a bigger impact. For each of the four pillars within Code Zero, we are translating our ambitions into concrete actions that reinforce and complement each other.”

“A milestone rather than a starting point”

“For our CSR strategy to be successful, we have to get all employees on the same page from the start and acquire broad internal support. Code Zero provides everyone with the tools to maximise their contribution. Now is the time to switch gears and move forward positively.”

Building a sustainable future
Check out our sustainable report

Michel Deruyck - Head of Energy Department

“Focus on cooperation and transparency”

Christophe Leroy - QHSSE Manager

Discover how we go for zero!

 “Stimulating a movement that has been around for some time”

“Changing course to face global climate change”

Setting course towards a sustainable future

Code What?

For sailing enthusiasts, Code Zero is a well-known concept. After all, this type of sail offers the chance to catch more wind and go faster. Exactly what Jan De Nul’s sustainability programme aims for: creating a strong impulse to better foster corporate social responsibility in our activities.

By 2050, the world will look completely different. To face the biggest global challenges, Jan De Nul combines all forces in its new corporate programme Code Zero. The ambition?
Zero Breaches, Zero Waste, Zero Accidents and Zero Emissions.

However, the focus is not so much on the individual goals, but on the common road towards them. In other words: not a revolution, but an evolution – headed by four driven colleagues.

Code Zero

Cooreman-Algoed Colette - ITA Project Manager

Code What?

For sailing enthusiasts, Code Zero is a well-known concept. After all, this type of sail offers the chance to catch more wind and go faster. Exactly what Jan De Nul’s sustainability programme aims for: creating a strong impulse to better foster corporate social responsibility in our activities.


“We have been working on safety and energy management, among other things, for a long time. But this was mostly done in silos. Now, we are far more integrated and make a bigger impact. For each of the four pillars within Code Zero, we are translating our ambitions into concrete actions that reinforce and complement each other.”

“Focus on cooperation and transparency”

By 2050, the world will look completely different. To face the biggest global challenges, Jan De Nul combines all forces in its new corporate programme Code Zero. The ambition?
Zero Breaches, Zero Waste, Zero Accidents and Zero Emissions.

However, the focus is not so much on the individual goals, but on the common road towards them. In other words: not a revolution, but an evolution – headed by four driven colleagues.

“A milestone rather than a starting point”

Michel Deruyck - Head of Energy Department

 “Stimulating a movement that has been around for some time”

Christophe Leroy - QHSSE Manager

Isabelle Herteleer - CSR Coordinator

Jakoba Van Der Linden - CSR Officer

Discover how we go for zero!

Building a sustainable future
Check out our sustainable report

“For our CSR strategy to be successful, we have to get all employees on the same page from the start and acquire broad internal support. Code Zero provides everyone with the tools to maximise their contribution. Now is the time to switch gears and move forward positively.”

“Changing course to face global climate change”

“We want to send an accessible, inspiring message to our employees and the outside world. Jan De Nul is only part of the story. To make a real difference, we aim for everyone’s support, from our own employees and clients to suppliers and local communities. Code Zero links perfectly to our Imagine-Think-Act approach. Operational control is the key to success. Achieving the targets that lead to the Zero objectives is the icing on the cake.”

“We feel that it’s our moral duty to contribute to a more sustainable world, independent of regulations or external pressure. Especially because we are in a position to make a big difference: we operate globally, carry out large-scale projects and are active in several key industries. Through Code Zero, we translate that general objective into well-considered action points. For example, we dredge using 100%-sustainable biofuel and we actively contribute to meeting the goals of the Paris climate agreement.”