offshore wind
Peter: "Since we move all kinds of spare parts for our dredging fleet, the experience of our transport department helps us to efficiently manage the transport of the foundation components from the fabrication yard to the site. Thanks to our many years of experience as a global marine contractor, we are the ideal partner for the installation of offshore wind components. The investment in Voltaire and Les Alizés makes it clear that we strengthen our position in offshore wind farm installation. For the TPC OWF we have installed the foundations, the onshore cables, the export and inter array cables, the wind turbines and the onshore substation. We do not shy away from adapting and modifying our vessels specifically to the needs of a project. The know-how of our technical and marine department enables us to go the extra mile, and offer tailor-made solutions."

Quality control in Korea
Ellen was responsible for the production of the pin piles and jackets in Korea. Together with our partner Samkang, she made sure that the delivered quality achieved the highest standards. As this was our first experience of jackets, the Survey Department was very closely involved in manufacturing and Ellen was even able to apply some new techniques. This made her time in Korea extremely rewarding.

Design and Engineering
Peter: "Our design department and marine engineering department work closely with design offices, but we can carry out large parts of the studies ourselves. We carried out a detailed soil survey for the TPC OWF. The projects in Taiwan presented us with some tough challenges. The widely varying and weak soil conditions and exposure to earthquakes and typhoons, requires an extensive design process between client, designer, fabricator, certifier and installation contractor. Obviously, the interface management here is crucial."

Procurement and Construction
Peter: "We take full responsibility for the quality management and the delivery of the final product. For the manufacturing of the Formosa 2 OWF jacket foundations we awarded Saipem and Sembcorp the jacket fabrication and EEW the pin pile fabrication.
From South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, UK, Thailand and Taiwan to Germany. For Formosa 1 OWF, TPC OWF and Formosa 2 OWF, we worked together with a whole range of manufacturers from all over the world. Our teams on site closely monitored the activities. In addition, Jan De Nul has the capacity to manufacture concrete foundations itself; the so-called gravity based structures.
For TPC OWF we also supplied the entire electrical installation, including upgrading and construction of the onshore electrical substation."

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Offshore Services

Looking for a partner
to realize your Offshore
Renewables project?
Contact our Business Development Manager
Carl Heiremans

Construction and Installation

Formosa 1 Offshore Wind Farm Phase 1 (Formosa 1 OWF), TPC OWF and Formosa 2 OWF. With the construction of three early offshore wind farms in Taiwan, Jan De Nul Group is again taking on a pioneering role. As an exceptionally versatile partner, we can deliver all phases of an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) project. Thanks to the experience of our design, civil and technical departments, we are able to efficiently progress a project to construction, supported with studies by well-chosen experts and external design offices. Manager Offshore Renewables Peter De Pooter explains why our ongoing projects in Taiwan are such a great reference for EPCI.
Ellen Van Den Bogaert
Dimension Control Surveyor

“After months of hard work from our local team and the yard, we finally saw the foundations sail away for offshore installation in Taiwan.”
Together with its consortium partner Hitachi, Jan De Nul has taken the responsibility for an extensive balance of plant for the TPC OWF, as a leader in the sector. Besides the design, fabrication and installation of the foundation structures and cables, the consortium also covers the design, fabrication and installation of the turbines, the low and high voltage electrical designs, and the onshore electrical substation upgrade. Moreover, Jan De Nul and Hitachi will also operate and maintain the wind farm for its first five years including the provision of insurances during the construction (CAR) and throughout the Operation and Maintenance period (O&M).


Jan De Nul Group managed the design, manufacture and installation of 21 steel jacket foundations for the Taiwan Power Company Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project – Demonstration (TPC OWF) in Taiwan. These jackets were fully fabricated under Jan De Nul’s management and supervision and transported from Korea to the project site in Changhua.
A little further south in Taiwan, we have kicked off the Formosa 2 Offshore Wind Farm project (Formosa 2 OWF). Jan De Nul is the perfect partner for both EPCI projects and the responsibilities of an extensive balance of plant contract.
offshore wind
Looking for a partner
to realize your Offshore
Renewables project?
Carl Heiremans
(Offshore Division)

Peter: "Since we move all kinds of spare parts for our dredging fleet, the experience of our transport department helps us to efficiently manage the transport of the foundation components from the fabrication yard to the site. Thanks to our many years of experience as a global marine contractor, we are the ideal partner for the installation of offshore wind components. The investment in Voltaire and Les Alizés makes it clear that we strengthen our position in offshore wind farm installation. For the TPC OWF we have installed the foundations, the onshore cables, the export and inter array cables, the wind turbines and the onshore substation. We do not shy away from adapting and modifying our vessels specifically to the needs of a project. The know-how of our technical and marine department enables us to go the extra mile, and offer tailor-made solutions."
Design and Engineering
Peter: "Our design department and marine engineering department work closely with design offices, but we can carry out large parts of the studies ourselves. We carried out a detailed soil survey for the TPC OWF. The projects in Taiwan presented us with some tough challenges. The widely varying and weak soil conditions and exposure to earthquakes and typhoons, requires an extensive design process between client, designer, fabricator, certifier and installation contractor. Obviously, the interface management here is crucial."

Procurement and Construction
Peter: "We take full responsibility for the quality management and the delivery of the final product. For the manufacturing of the Formosa 2 OWF jacket foundations we awarded Saipem and Sembcorp the jacket fabrication and EEW the pin pile fabrication.
From South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, UK, Thailand and Taiwan to Germany. For Formosa 1 OWF, TPC OWF and Formosa 2 OWF, we worked together with a whole range of manufacturers from all over the world. Our teams on site closely monitored the activities. In addition, Jan De Nul has the capacity to manufacture concrete foundations itself; the so-called gravity based structures.
For TPC OWF we also supplied the entire electrical installation, including upgrading and construction of the onshore electrical substation."

Read more about Offshore Services

Jan De Nul Group managed the design, manufacture and installation of 21 steel jacket foundations for the Taiwan Power Company Offshore Windfarm Phase 1 Project – Demonstration (TPC OWF) in Taiwan. These jackets were fully fabricated under Jan De Nul’s management and supervision and transported from Korea to the project site in Changhua.
A little further south in Taiwan, we have kicked off the Formosa 2 Offshore Wind Farm project (Formosa 2 OWF). Jan De Nul is the perfect partner for both EPCI projects and the responsibilities of an extensive balance of plant contract.

Ellen Van Den Bogaert
(Dimension Control Surveyor)

“After months of hard work from our local team and the yard, we finally saw the foundations sail away for offshore installation in Taiwan.”
Quality control in Korea
Ellen was responsible for the production of the pins and jackets in Korea. Together with our partner Samkang, she made sure that the quality achieved the highest standards. Since the Survey Department was so closely involved in manufacturing for the first time, Ellen was even able to apply some new techniques. This made her time in Korea extremely rewarding.
Construction and Installation

Formosa 1 Offshore Wind Farm (Formosa 1 OWF), TPC OWF and Formosa 2 OWF. With the construction of the first three offshore wind farms in Taiwan, Jan De Nul Group is again taking on a pioneering role. As an exceptionally versatile partner, we can deliver all phases of an Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) project. Thanks to the experience of our design department, civil department and technical department, we are able to realise a lot in-house, supported with studies by well-chosen experts and external design offices. Manager Offshore Renewables Peter De Pooter explains why our ongoing projects in Taiwan are such a great reference for EPCI.
Together with its consortium partner Hitachi, Jan De Nul has taken the responsibility for the most complete balance of plant for the TPC OWF, to date unique in the sector. Besides the design, fabrication and installation of the foundation structures and cables, the consortium also covers the design, fabrication and installation of the turbines itself, the electrical low voltage and high voltage designs, and the upgrade of the electrical substation. Moreover, Jan De Nul and Hitachi will also operate and maintain the wind farm for a period of five years. And we will provide the insurances during the execution of the works (CAR) and during the Operation and Maintenance period (O&M).
