More about 2021?
This report is linked to our Annual Report and Financial Report.

Sustainable and inclusive work environment

Sustainable business practices

Reducing our ecological footprint

Code Zero, our commitment
Our CSR organisation
Our CSR strategy

It has been drawn up according to the relevant GRI guidelines.

A global player such as Jan De Nul Group has a meaningful impact on society. We strive every day to create value for that society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is therefore an integrated part of our core business.
In recent years, our CSR policy has been given more structure and substance. Driven by our vision, mission and values, we have defined a CSR ambition and a clear CSR strategy. This strategy sets out how Jan De Nul Group intends to continuously improve its social (People), ecological (Planet) and economic (Profit) impact, using the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a compass. A transparent CSR organisation helps us to translate our strategy into actions, to set our course and to monitor progress.
In this report, we describe how we made progress in terms of sustainable business practices in 2019 and 2020. We highlight the strategy and policies and illustrate how we implemented them within the various divisions and departments. In the additional programme sheets, you will find more detail about our performance in terms of people, planet and profit.
Corporate social responsibility obviously requires continuous efforts. In the coming years, we will continue to set our course resolutely towards anchoring sustainability even more firmly in our DNA – with the aim to steadily increase our positive impact on people, planet and profit.
Board of Directors Jan De Nul Group


It has been drawn up according to the relevant GRI guidelines.
More about 2021?
This report is linked to our Annual Report and Financial Report.

A global player such as Jan De Nul Group has a meaningful impact on society. We strive every day to create value for that society. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is therefore an integrated part of our core business.
In recent years, our CSR policy has been given more structure and substance. Driven by our vision, mission and values, we have defined a CSR ambition and a clear CSR strategy. This strategy sets out how Jan De Nul Group intends to continuously improve its social (People), ecological (Planet) and economic (Profit) impact, using the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a compass. A transparent CSR organisation helps us to translate our strategy into actions, to set our course and to monitor progress.
In this report, we describe how we made progress in terms of sustainable business practices in 2019 and 2020. We highlight the strategy and policies and illustrate how we implemented them within the various divisions and departments. In the additional programme sheets, you will find more detail about our performance in terms of people, planet and profit.
Corporate social responsibility obviously requires continuous efforts. In the coming years, we will continue to set our course resolutely towards anchoring sustainability even more firmly in our DNA – with the aim to steadily increase our positive impact on people, planet and profit.
Board of Directors Jan De Nul Group
Our CSR organisation
Code Zero, our commitment
Our CSR strategy

Sustainable business practices

Reducing our ecological footprint

Sustainable and inclusive work environment