Jan De Nul Group sets itself ambitious sustainability goals. Our Code Zero awareness programme brings together all our sustainable initiatives from the 10 focus areas. Our ambitions in this are clear:
Code Zero,
our commitment

Code Zero is not a starting point for Jan De Nul Group, it is the route we have been taking for years. Now we are shifting up a gear. We go for zero! For a better future!

Zero waste.
We look for circular solutions and ways to reduce our waste.
Zero breaches.
We do not tolerate ethical or social infringements
Zero accidents.
We are committed to a safe working environment, always and everywhere
Zero emissions.
We actively reduce our ecological footprint

Met een ambitieuze, doordachte MVO-strategie wil Jan De Nul Group een positieve bijdrage leveren aan de maatschappij. In lijn met onze bedrijfsfilosofie – One team, one plan – zijn we ervan overtuigd dat betrokkenheid en engagement essentieel zijn om onze MVO-strategie succesvol te verankeren in ons DNA. Daarom bepalen we de hoofdlijnen van onze strategie in nauwe samenwerking met ons team.

Jan De Nul Group sets itself ambitious sustainability goals. Our Code Zero awareness programme brings together all our sustainable initiatives from the 10 focus areas. Our ambitions in this are clear:
Code Zero,
our commitment

Zero breaches.
We do not tolerate ethical or social infringements

Zero accidents.
We are committed to a safe working environment, always and everywhere

Zero waste.
We look for circular solutions and ways to reduce our waste.
Zero emissions.
We actively reduce our ecological footprint
Code Zero is not a starting point for Jan De Nul Group, it is the route we have been taking for years. Now we are shifting up a gear. We go for zero! For a better future!